Chloride Metals Ltd. ("CML")

The Company acquired 100 % stake of CML making it a wholly owned subsidiary w.e.f. 1st November 2007. CML was incorporated on 14th December, 1998 under the Indian Companies Act, 1956. Chloride Alloys India Limited, a wholly subsidiary of Exide Industries Ltd., amalgamated with CML w.e.f 1st March, 2016. Both the Companies are engaged in the business of running smelting plants having integrated facilities for extracting lead from exhausted batteries and manufacturing and supplying recycled lead and lead alloys.

The Registered Office of CML is situated at Exide House; 59E Chowringhee Road; Kolkata 700020.

Board of Directors

S.No Name of the Director Designation
1 Mr. Avik Kumar Roy Chairman
2 Mr. Indranil Chatterjee Managing Director & CEO
3 Mr. Asish Kumar Mukherjee Director
4 Mr. Surin Shailesh Kapadia Director
5 Mr. Jitendra Kumar Director
6 Ms. Seema Bajaj Director

Chloride International Ltd. ("CIL")

CIL is a 100 per cent subsidiary of Exide Industries Limited that is engaged in non-conventional energy business. CIL was incorporated on 31st January, 1947 under the name Exide Batteries (Eastern) Limited which was subsequently changed to 'Chloride & Exide Batteries (Eastern) Limited on 11th February, 1948. It was later changed to Exide Products Limited on 2nd April, 1981 and finally to Chloride International Limited on 14th November, 2003. The CIN of CIL is U31402WB1947PLC014918. The Registered Office of CIL is situated at Exide House, 59E Chowringhee Road, Kolkata - 700 020.

Board of Directors

S.No Name of the Director Designation
1. Mr. Avik Kumar Roy Chairman
2. Mr. Arya Kumar Choudhury Director
3. Mr. Ranjan Sarkar Director


CBSEA was incorporated on 4th September, 1958 under the laws of Singapore under the name "The Chloride Electrical Storage Company Far East Limited" on 4th September, 1958 which was subsequently changed to 'Chloride Batteries S E Asia Pte Limited on 4th December, 1969. CBSEA is a 100 per cent subsidiary of Exide Industries Limited. The registered office of CBSEA is located at 106 Neythal Road, Jurong Town, Singapore 628 594. The principal activities of CBSEA comprise production and distribution of industrial battery chargers, rectifiers and parts thereof and the distribution of industrial and automotive batteries.

Board of Directors

1. Mr. Asish Kumar Mukherjee Chairman
2. Mr. Freddy Tan Managing Director & CEO
3. Mr. Avik Kumar Roy Director
4. Mr. Ranjan Sarkar Director

Espex Batteries Ltd. ("ESPEX")

ESPEX was incorporated on 8th January, 2003 under the Companies Act, 1985 of UK. The Registered Office of ESPEX is situated at Fairway House, Links Business Park, St. Mellons, Cardiff, South Glamorgan, CF3 0LT. ESPEX is engaged in supply of industrial batteries in UK and its neighboring areas.

Board of Directors

Sl No. Name of the Director Designation
1. Mr. Asish Kumar Mukherjee Chairman
2. Mr. Amit Kumar Ghosal Managing Director & CEO
3. Mr. Avik Kumar Roy Director
4. Ms. Laura Farmer Director

Associated Battery Manufacturers (Ceylon) Ltd. ("ABML")

ABML was incorporated on 6th May, 1960 under the laws of Sri Lanka. The registered office of ABML is situated at 481 T B Jayah Mawatha, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka. ABML is engaged in the manufacture of Lead acid automotive and motorcycle batteries.

Board of Directors

1. Mr. Asish Kumar Mukherjee Chairman
2. Mr. Partha Sarkar Director & CEO
3. Mr. Avik Kumar Roy Director
4. Mr. Ajith Chanaka De Silva Wijemuni Director
5. Mr. Thamotharampillai Sanakan Director
6. Mr. Maniu Samarasinghe Gunawardana Director
7. Mr. Aniruddha Kannappan Director
8. Mr. Pravin Saraf Director

Exide Energy Solutions Limited ("EESL")

Exide Energy Solutions Limited (EESL) was incorporated on 24th March 2022. The CIN of EESL is U31100WB2022PLC252459. It is a 100 percent subsidiary of Exide Industries Limited. The main object of the Company is to carry on the business of manufacturing battery cells of advanced chemistry and form factor, including but not limited to cylindrical, pouch, prismatic, (the "Battery Cells"), as well as manufacturing, assembling, selling battery modules, battery packs and other related activities. Exide Energy Private Limited (EEPL) erstwhile wholly owned subsidiary of Exide, carrying the business of developing and manufacturing Li-ion based modules and packs with Battery Management System for e-mobility (EV) as well as stationary power application and having its plant at Prantij, Gujarat amalgamated with EESL with effect from 28th March 2024. The Registered office of EESL is situated at 59E Chowringhee Road, Kolkata - 700020.

Board of Directors

1. Mr. Surin Shailesh Kapadia Chairman
2. Mr. Mandar Deo Managing Director & CEO
3. Mr. Asish Kumar Mukherjee Director
4. Mr. Avik Kumar Roy Director
5. Mr. R B Raheja Director
6. Ms. Seema Bajaj Director
7. Mr. Jaidit Singh Brar Additional Director