View the Key Financials over the last decade

Particulars FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22* FY 2022-23* FY 2023-24*
Sales (Net) 6,866 6,848 7,583 9,186 10,588 9,857 10,041 12,410 14,592 16,029
Operating Profit 917 1,026 1,082 1,241 1,411 1,365 1,356 1,398 1,568 1,871
Profit Before
Tax (before Exceptional Items)
798 908 976 1,048 1,130 1,057 1,018 1,026 1,215 1,410
Exceptional Items - - - (42) 108 (22) - 4,694 - -
Taxation 252 284 282 338 395 210 260 1,036 311 357
Net Profit 546 624 694 668 844 826 758 4,684 904 1,053
Cash Profit 685 782 900 914 1,158 1,188 1,138 5,097 1,359 1,550
Earnings Per Share (₹) 6.42 7.35 8.16 7.86 9.93 9.71 8.92 55.11 10.63 12.39
Dividend Payout** 220 243 243 246 246 499 170 170 170 -
BALANCE SHEET                    
Non-Current Assets 1,168 1,451 1,687 2,192 2,552 2,671 2,872 3,294 3,178 3,195
Investments 1,896 2,698 2,674 1,969 2,199 2,071 3,059 6,036 6,341 8,620
Current Assets 2,317 1,989 2,414 3,236 3,421 3,500 3,698 4,034 4,532 5,051
Total Assets 5,381 6,138 6,775 7,397 8,172 8,242 9,629 13,364 14,051 16,866
Loans 18 103 170 - - - - 10 - -
Other Liabilities 1,205 1,397 1,486 1,867 2,010 1,844 2,658 2,756 2,841 3,729
Subtotal 1,223 1,500 1,656 1,867 2,010 1,844 2,658 2,766 2,841 3,729
Deferred Tax Liability 126 127 155 141 175 102 77 - - -
Net Worth 4,032 4,511 4,964 5,389 5,987 6,296 6,894 10,598 11,210 13,137
Total Liabilities 5,381 6,138 6,775 7,397 8,172 8,242 9,629 13,364 14,051 16,866
Book Value Per Share (₹)*** 47.44 53.07 58.40 63.40 70.44 74.07 81.11 124.68 131.88 154.55
Return on Net Worth (%) 14.7 15.5 15.4 13.5 15.7 13.8 11.5 53.6 8.3 8.6

* Post Chloride Power Systems and Solutions Limited (CPSSL) merger
** including Dividend Distribution Tax. For the year under review, ₹ 170 crore dividend has been declared, payable subject to approval of shareholders at the 77th AGM
*** At same per value of share
Figures mentioned since FY 2015-16 are in accordance with the provisions under Ind-AS